
Procedures. The same procedures will apply regardless of whether a cooperative agreement with a recipient organization is being suspended, terminated, or non-renewed by the SBA.
(1) Taking action. When the AA/OWBO has reason to believe there is cause to suspend, terminate, or non-renew a cooperative agreement with a recipient organization (either based on its own knowledge or upon information provided to it by other parties), the AA/OWBO may undertake such an enforcement action by issuing a written notice of suspension, termination, or non-renewal to the recipient organization.
(2) Notice requirements. Each notice of suspension, termination, or non-renewal will set forth the specific facts and reasons for the AA/OWBO decision and will include reference to the appropriate legal authority. The notice will also advise the recipient organization that it has the right to request an administrative review of the decision to suspend, terminate, or non-renew its cooperative agreement in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph (d) of this section. The notice will be transmitted to the recipient organization on the same date it is issued by both U.S. Mail and facsimile or as an email attachment.
(3) Relationship to government-wide suspension and debarment. A decision by the AA/OWBO to suspend, terminate, or non-renew a WBC cooperative agreement does not constitute a nonprocurement suspension or debarment of a recipient organization under Executive Order 12549 and SBA's implementing regulations (2 CFR part 2700). However, a decision by the AA/OWBO to undertake a suspension, termination, or non-renewal enforcement action with regard to a particular WBC cooperative agreement does not preclude or preempt the Agency from also taking action to suspend or debar a recipient organization for purposes of all Federal procurement and/or nonprocurement opportunities.
(d) Administrative review. Any recipient organization that has had its cooperative agreement suspended, terminated, or non-renewed has the right to request an administrative review of the AA/OWBO's enforcement action. Administrative review of WBC enforcement actions will be conducted by the AA/OED.
(1) Format. There is no prescribed format for a request for administrative review of an SBA enforcement action. While a recipient organization has the right to retain legal counsel to represent its interests in connection with an administrative review, it is under no obligation to do so. Formal briefs and other technical forms of pleading are not required. However, a request for administrative review of an SBA enforcement action must be in writing, should be concise and logically arranged, and must at a minimum include the following information:
(i) Name and address of the recipient organization;
(ii) Identification of the relevant SBA office/program (i.e., OWBO/WBC Program);
(iii) Cooperative agreement number;
(iv) Copy of the notice of suspension, termination, or non-renewal;
(v) Statement regarding why the recipient organization believes the SBA's actions were arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and/or otherwise not in accordance with the law;
(vi) Identification of the specific relief being sought (e.g., lifting of the suspension);
(vii) Statement as to whether the recipient organization is requesting a hearing and, if so, the reasons why it believes a hearing is necessary; and
(viii) Copies of any documents or other evidence the recipient organization believes support its position.
(2) Service. Any recipient organization requesting administrative review of an SBA enforcement action must submit copies of its request (including any attachments) to all of the following parties:
(i) Associate Administrator for the Office of Entrepreneurial Development, U.S. Small Business Administration;
(ii) Assistant Administrator for the Office of Women's Business Ownership U.S. Small Business Administration;
(iii) Associate General Counsel for Procurement Law, U.S. Small Business Administration.


13 CFR § 131.630

Scoping language

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