Continuous service

Continuous service means
(1) Active duty served without interruption. A complete separation from active duty service will interrupt the continuity of active duty service.
(2) Time lost while on active duty will not interrupt the continuity of service. Time lost includes, but is not limited to, excess leave, noncreditable time and not-on-duty time.
(x) Persian Gulf War. The term “Persian Gulf War” means the period beginning on August 2, 1990, and ending on the date thereafter prescribed by Presidential proclamation or by law.
(y) Alternative teacher certification program. The term alternative teacher certification program for the purposes of determining whether an entity offering such a program is a school, educational institution or institution, as defined in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, means a program leading to a teacher certificate that allows individuals with a bachelor's degree or graduate degree to obtain teacher certification without enrolling in an institution of higher learning.
(z) Certification test. The term certification test means a test an individual must pass in order to receive a certificate that provides an affirmation of an individual's qualifications in a specified occupation.
(aa) Licensing test. The term licensing test means a test offered by a State, local, or Federal agency, the passing of which is a means, or part of a means, to obtain a license. That license must be required by law in order for the individual to practice an occupation in the political jurisdiction of the agency offering the test.
(bb) Organization or entity offering a licensing or certification test.
(1) The term organization or entity offering a licensing or certification test means:
(i) An organization or entity that causes a licensing test to be given and that will issue a license to an individual who passes the test;
(ii) An organization or entity that causes a certification test to be given and that will issue a certificate to an individual who passes the test; or
(iii) An organization or entity that administers a licensing or certification test for the organization or entity that will issue a license or certificate, respectively, to an individual who passes the test, provided that the administering organization or entity can provide all required information and certifications under § 21.4268 to the State approving agency and to VA.
(2) This term does not include:
(i) An organization or entity that develops and/or proctors a licensing or certification test, but does not issue the license or certificate;
(ii) An organization or entity that administers a test but does not issue the license or certificate, if that administering organization or entity cannot provide all required information and certifications under § 21.4268 to the State approving agency and to VA.


38 CFR § 21.5021

Scoping language

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