Transfer of IFQ.

Transfer of IFQ.
(1) Pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, an Application for Transfer must be approved by the Regional Administrator before a person may use any IFQ that results from a direct transfer to harvest halibut or sablefish. After approving the Application for Transfer, the Regional Administrator will change any IFQ accounts affected by the approved transfer and issue all necessary IFQ permits.
(2) IFQ resulting from categories B, C, or D QS may not be transferred separately from its originating QS, except as provided in paragraph (d), paragraph (f), paragraph (k), paragraph (l), paragraph (m), or paragraph (o) of this section.
(i) Transfer across catcher vessel categories -
(1) CDQ compensation. Persons issued CDQ compensation QS in a catcher vessel category, pursuant to § 679.41(j), and in an IFQ regulatory area in which they do not hold QS other than CDQ compensation QS, may use that CDQ compensation QS on any catcher vessel. This exemption from catcher vessel categories ends upon the first transfer of the CDQ compensation QS. CDQ compensation QS being transferred will be permanently assigned to a specific catcher vessel category as designated by the person receiving the transfer.
(2) CDQ compensation QS definition. For purposes of this paragraph (i), CDQ compensation QS is QS issued as compensation for halibut and sablefish harvest privileges foregone due to the CDQ Program, as provided in paragraph (j) of this section.
(j) Compensation for CDQ allocations.
(1) The Regional Administrator will compensate persons that receive a reduced halibut QS in IPHC regulatory areas 4B, 4C, 4D, or 4E because of the halibut CDQ program by adding halibut QS from IPHC regulatory areas 2C, 3A, 3B, and 4A. This compensation of halibut QS from areas 2C, 3A, 3B, and 4A will be allocated in proportion to the amount of halibut QS foregone due to the CDQ allocation authorized by this section.
(2) The Regional Administrator will compensate persons that receive a reduced sablefish QS in any BSAI IFQ regulatory area because of the sablefish CDQ program by taking sablefish QS from the IFQ regulatory areas of the GOA and allocating it in proportion to the loss suffered by persons in the BSAI area. Such additional compensation of sablefish QS will be allocated in proportion to the amount of sablefish QS foregone due to the CDQ allocation authorized by this section.
(3) Persons initially issued QS for IFQ regulatory areas in which a portion of the TAC is allocated to the CDQ Program will be compensated for halibut and sablefish harvest privileges foregone due to the CDQ Program. If a person does not hold QS in an IFQ regulatory area on the date the compensation is issued, that person's compensation will be issued as unblocked. If a person does hold QS in an IFQ regulatory area on the date compensation is issued, that person's compensation will be added to their existing QS in that IFQ regulatory area. The resulting QS amount will be blocked or unblocked according to the criteria found at § 679.40(a). Compensation will be calculated for each non-CDQ area using the following formula:
(1) Pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, an Application for Transfer must be approved by the Regional Administrator before a person may use any IFQ that results from a direct transfer to harvest halibut or sablefish. After approving the Application for Transfer, the Regional Administrator will change any IFQ accounts affected by the approved transfer and issue all necessary IFQ permits.
(2) IFQ resulting from categories B, C, or D QS may not be transferred separately from its originating QS, except as provided in paragraph (d), paragraph (f), paragraph (k), paragraph (l), paragraph (m), or paragraph (o) of this section.
(i) Transfer across catcher vessel categories -
(1) CDQ compensation. Persons issued CDQ compensation QS in a catcher vessel category, pursuant to § 679.41(j), and in an IFQ regulatory area in which they do not hold QS other than CDQ compensation QS, may use that CDQ compensation QS on any catcher vessel. This exemption from catcher vessel categories ends upon the first transfer of the CDQ compensation QS. CDQ compensation QS being transferred will be permanently assigned to a specific catcher vessel category as designated by the person receiving the transfer.
(2) CDQ compensation QS definition. For purposes of this paragraph (i), CDQ compensation QS is QS issued as compensation for halibut and sablefish harvest privileges foregone due to the CDQ Program, as provided in paragraph (j) of this section.
(j) Compensation for CDQ allocations.
(1) The Regional Administrator will compensate persons that receive a reduced halibut QS in IPHC regulatory areas 4B, 4C, 4D, or 4E because of the halibut CDQ program by adding halibut QS from IPHC regulatory areas 2C, 3A, 3B, and 4A. This compensation of halibut QS from areas 2C, 3A, 3B, and 4A will be allocated in proportion to the amount of halibut QS foregone due to the CDQ allocation authorized by this section.
(2) The Regional Administrator will compensate persons that receive a reduced sablefish QS in any BSAI IFQ regulatory area because of the sablefish CDQ program by taking sablefish QS from the IFQ regulatory areas of the GOA and allocating it in proportion to the loss suffered by persons in the BSAI area. Such additional compensation of sablefish QS will be allocated in proportion to the amount of sablefish QS foregone due to the CDQ allocation authorized by this section.
(3) Persons initially issued QS for IFQ regulatory areas in which a portion of the TAC is allocated to the CDQ Program will be compensated for halibut and sablefish harvest privileges foregone due to the CDQ Program. If a person does not hold QS in an IFQ regulatory area on the date the compensation is issued, that person's compensation will be issued as unblocked. If a person does hold QS in an IFQ regulatory area on the date compensation is issued, that person's compensation will be added to their existing QS in that IFQ regulatory area. The resulting QS amount will be blocked or unblocked according to the criteria found at § 679.40(a). Compensation will be calculated for each non-CDQ area using the following formula:
(k) Survivorship transfer privileges - (1) On the death of an individual who holds QS or IFQ, the surviving spouse or, in the absence of a surviving spouse, a beneficiary designated pursuant to paragraph (k)(2) of this section, receives all QS and IFQ held by the decedent by right of survivorship, unless a contrary intent was expressed by the decedent in a will. The Regional Administrator will approve an Application for Transfer to the surviving spouse or designated beneficiary when sufficient evidence has been provided to verify the death of the individual.
(2) QS holders may provide the Regional Administrator with the name of a designated beneficiary from the QS holder's immediate family to receive survivorship transfer privileges in the event of the QS holder's death and in the absence of a surviving spouse.
(3) The Regional Administrator will approve, for 3 calendar years following the date of death of an individual, an Application for Transfer of IFQ from the surviving spouse or, in the absence of a surviving spouse, from a beneficiary from the QS holder's immediate family designated pursuant to paragraph (k)(2) of this section to a person eligible to receive IFQ under the provisions of this section, notwithstanding the limitations on transfers of IFQ in paragraph (h)(2) of this section.
(l) Transfer of QS to CQEs.
(1) Each eligible community must designate a CQE to transfer and hold QS on behalf of that community.
(2) Each eligible community may designate only one CQE to hold QS on behalf of that community at any one time.
(3) Prior to initially receiving QS by transfer on behalf of a specific eligible community, a non-profit entity that intends to represent that eligible community as a CQE must have approval from the Regional Administrator. To receive that approval, the non-profit entity seeking to become a CQE must submit a complete application to become a CQE to the Regional Administrator, NMFS, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802. The Regional Administrator will provide a copy of the complete application to the Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development, Commissioner, P.O. Box 110809, Juneau, AK 99811-0809. NMFS will consider comments received from the Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development when reviewing applications for a non-profit entity to become a CQE. The Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development must submit comments on an application to the Regional Administrator, NMFS, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802, within 30 days of receipt of the application in order for those comments to be considered by the Regional Administrator during the approval process. If an application is disapproved, than that determination may be appealed under the provisions established at 15 CFR part 906. A complete application to become a CQE consists of:
(i) The articles of incorporation under the laws of the State of Alaska for that non-profit entity, except that a non-profit entity that is representing the Metlakatla Indian Village may provide articles of incorporation under Federal Law;
(ii) A statement indicating the eligible community, or communities, represented by that non-profit entity for purposes of holding QS;
(iii) Management organization information, including:
(A) The bylaws of the non-profit entity;
(B) A list of key personnel of the managing organization including, but not limited to, the board of directors, officers, representatives, and any managers;
(C) A description of how the non-profit entity is qualified to manage QS on behalf of the eligible community, or communities, it is designated to represent, and a demonstration that the non-profit entity has the management, technical expertise, and ability to manage QS and IFQ; and
(D) The name of the non-profit organization, taxpayer ID number, NMFS person number, permanent business mailing addresses, name of contact persons and additional contact information of the managing personnel for the non-profit entity, resumes of management personnel, name of community or communities represented by the CQE, name of contact for the governing body of each community represented, date, name and notarized signature of applicant, Notary Public signature and date when commission expires.
(iv) A statement describing the procedures that will be used to determine the distribution of IFQ to eligible community residents and non-residents of the community represented by that CQE, including:
(A) Procedures used to solicit requests from eligible community residents and non-residents to lease IFQ; and
(B) Criteria used to determine the distribution of IFQ leases among qualified community residents and non-residents and the relative weighting of those criteria.
(v) A statement of support from the governing body of the eligible community as that governing body is identified in Table 21 to this part. That statement of support is:
(A) A resolution from the City Council or other official governing body for those eligible communities incorporated as first or second class cities in the State of Alaska;
(B) A resolution from the tribal government authority recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs for those eligible communities that are not incorporated as first or second class cities in the State of Alaska; but are represented by a tribal government authority recognized by the Secretary of the Interior; or
(C) A resolution from a non-profit community association, homeowner association, community council, or other non-profit entity for those eligible communities that are not incorporated as first or second class cities in the State of Alaska, and is not represented by a tribal government authority recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The non-profit entity that provides a statement of support must:
(1) Have articles of incorporation as a non-profit community association, homeowner association, community council, or other non-profit entity; and
(2) Have an established relationship with the State of Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development for purposes of representing that community for governmental functions.
(D) If an eligible community is not incorporated as a first or second class city in the State of Alaska, is not represented by a tribal government authority recognized by the Secretary of the Interior, and does not have a non-profit community association, homeowner association, community council, or other non-profit entity within that community with an established relationship with the Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development for purposes of representing that community for purposes of governmental functions, then the Regional Administrator, NMFS, will not consider any statement from a non-profit entity representing that community until that community:
(1) Is incorporated as a first or second class city in the State of Alaska;
(2) Establishes a tribal government authority recognized by the Secretary of the Interior; or
(3) Establishes a non-profit community association, homeowner association, community council, or other non-profit entity within that community that meets the requirements established in paragraph (E) of this section.
(E) If a community described under paragraph (l)(3)(v)(D) of this section establishes a non-profit community association, homeowner association, community council, or other non-profit entity within that community, then the Regional Administrator, NMFS, will consider any recommendations from this entity to support a particular applicant after reviewing:
(1) Petitions from residents affirming that the non-profit community association, homeowner association, community council, or other non-profit entity within that community represents the residents within that community; and
(2) Comments from the State of Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development on the articles of incorporation for that non-profit entity and the ability of that non-profit entity to adequately represent the interests of that community for purposes of governmental functions.
(3) If the Regional Administrator determines that this statement of support is not adequate, than that determination may be appealed under the provisions established at 15 CFR part 906.
(4) The governing body of an eligible community as that governing body is identified in Table 21 to this part, must provide authorization for any transfer of QS by the CQE that holds QS on behalf of that eligible community prior to that transfer of QS being approved by NMFS. This authorization must be submitted as part of the Application for Transfer. That authorization consists of a signature on the Application for Transfer by a representative of the governing body that has been designated by that governing body to provide such authorization to approve the transfer of QS.
(m) Temporary military transfers. In the event of a military mobilization or order to report for military service affecting a QS holder that prevents him or her from being able to participate in the halibut or sablefish IFQ fisheries, the Regional Administrator may approve a temporary military transfer for the IFQ derived from the QS held by a QS holder affected by the military mobilization.
(1) General. A temporary military transfer will be approved if the QS holder demonstrates that he or she is unable to participate in the IFQ fishery for which he or she holds QS because of a military mobilization, order to report for military service, or active duty military service.
(2) Eligibility. To be eligible to receive a temporary military transfer, a QS holder must meet all of the following requirements:
(i) Be a member of a branch of the National Guard or a member of a reserve component;
(ii) Possess one or more catcher vessel IFQ permits;
(iii) Not qualify for a hired master exception under § 679.42(i)(1);
(iv) Be in active duty military service as that term is defined at 10 U.S.C. 101(d)(1), be under a call to active service authorized by the President or the Secretary for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under 32 U.S.C. 502(f), or in the case of a member of a reserve component, have been ordered to report for military service beginning on the date of the member's receipt of the order and ending on the date on which the member reports for active duty military service.
(3) Application. A QS holder may apply for a temporary military transfer by submitting a temporary military transfer application to the Alaska Region, NMFS. NMFS will transfer, upon approval of the application, the applicable IFQ from the applicant (transferor) to the recipient (transferee). A temporary military transfer application is available at or by calling 1-800-304-4846. A complete application must include all of the following:
(i) The transferor's identity including his or her full name, NMFS person ID, date of birth, permanent business mailing address, business telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address (if any). A temporary mailing address may be provided, if appropriate.
(ii) The transferee's identity including his or her full name, NMFS person ID, date of birth, permanent business mailing address, business telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address (if any). A temporary mailing address may be provided, if appropriate.
(iii) The identification characteristics of the IFQ including whether the transfer is for halibut or sablefish IFQ, IFQ regulatory area, number of units, range of QS serial numbers for IFQ to be transferred, actual number of IFQ pounds, transferor (seller) IFQ permit number, and fishing year.
(iv) Documentation of active military mobilization or deployment. This documentation must include the following:
(A) A copy of official documentation such as valid military orders or call that direct the transferor to report to active duty military service, to mobilize for a military deployment, or to report to active service.
(B) A concise description of the nature of the military deployment or active duty military service, including verification that the applicant is unable to participate in the IFQ fishery for which he or she holds IFQ permits during the IFQ season because of his/her active duty military service.
(v) The signatures and printed names of the transferor and transferee, and date.
(vi) The signature, seal, and commission expiration of a notary public.
(4) Restrictions.
(i) A temporary military transfer shall be valid only during the calendar year for which the associated IFQ is issued.
(ii) A temporary military transfer will be issued only for the IFQ derived from the QS held by the applicant.
(5) Temporary military transfer evaluations and appeals -
(i) Initial evaluation. The Regional Administrator will evaluate an application for a temporary military transfer submitted in accordance with paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(9) of this section. An applicant who fails to submit the information specified in the application for a temporary military transfer will be provided a reasonable opportunity to submit the specified information or submit a revised application.
(ii) Initial administrative determination (IAD). The Regional Administrator will prepare and send an IAD to the applicant if the Regional Administrator determines that the application provided by the applicant is deficient or if the applicant fails to submit the specified information or a revised application. The IAD will indicate the deficiencies in the application, including any deficiencies with the information on the revised application. An applicant who receives an IAD may appeal under the appeals procedures set out at 15 CFR part 906.
(n) Transfer of halibut QS to an RQE -
(1) RQE organizational structure.
(i) The RQE must be a single entity representing IFQ regulatory Areas 2C and 3A.
(ii) The RQE must be a non-profit entity incorporated under the laws of the State of Alaska and recognized as exempt from Federal income tax by the Internal Revenue Service; and
(iii) The RQE must submit an annual report to NMFS and the Council detailing RQE activities during the prior year according to § 679.5(v).
(2) Application for Eligibility. Prior to initially receiving QS by transfer, a non-profit entity that intends to participate in the Halibut IFQ Program and purchase and hold halibut QS in Area 2C and Area 3A as the RQE must have approval from the Regional Administrator. To receive that approval, the non-profit entity seeking to become an RQE must submit a complete “Application for a Non-profit Entity to be Designated as a Recreational Quota Entity (RQE)” (available on the NMFS Alaska Region website at NMFS will approve only one entity as the RQE. A complete application to become an RQE must include:
(i) The articles of incorporation under the laws of the State of Alaska for that non-profit entity;
(ii) Acknowledgement from the Internal Revenue Service that the non-profit entity is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code; and
(iii) Management organization information, including:
(A) The bylaws of the non-profit entity;
(B) A list of key personnel of the managing organization including, but not limited to, the RQE board of directors, officers, representatives, and any managers;
(C) A description of how the non-profit entity is qualified to manage QS on behalf of charter fishery participants and a demonstration that the non-profit entity has the management, technical expertise, and ability to manage QS and RFQ;
(D) The name of the non-profit organization, taxpayer ID number, NMFS person number, permanent business mailing addresses, name of contact persons and additional contact information of the managing personnel for the non-profit entity, resumes of management personnel, name and notarized signature of applicant, and Notary Public signature and date when commission expires; and
(iv) A statement describing the procedures that will be used to determine the acquisition of funds to purchase QS.
(3) Address for submittal of application. Regional Administrator, NMFS, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802.
(4) Approval. NMFS will approve the first complete application received. If an application is approved, NMFS will notify the RQE by mail, unless another mode of communication is requested on the application.
(5) Disapproval. If an application is disapproved, that determination may be appealed under the provisions established at 15 CFR part 906.
(o) Transfer of IFQ to CDQ groups.
(1) A QS holder who holds fewer than 76,355 units of halibut QS in IFQ regulatory area 4B may transfer halibut IFQ assigned to vessel categories B, C, or D in IFQ regulatory area 4B to a CDQ group that receives an allocation of IFQ regulatory area 4B halibut CDQ if the annual commercial halibut catch limit, as defined in § 300.61 of this title, for Area 4B is less than 1 million pounds in that calendar year.
(2) A QS holder in IFQ regulatory areas 4C or 4D may transfer halibut IFQ assigned to vessel categories B, C, or D in IFQ regulatory areas 4C or 4D to a CDQ group that receives an allocation of halibut CDQ in that IFQ regulatory area if the annual commercial halibut catch limit, as defined in § 300.61 of this title, for Area 4CDE is less than 1.5 million pounds in that calendar year.
(3) A QS holder must meet the requirements in paragraph (c)(13) of this section to transfer halibut IFQ assigned to vessel categories B, C, or D in IFQ regulatory areas 4B, 4C, or 4D to a CDQ group.
(4) A CDQ group that receives halibut IFQ by transfer may not transfer that halibut IFQ to any other person.


50 CFR § 679.41

Scoping language

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