Average Traffic Sensitive Charge.
Average Traffic Sensitive Charge.
(1) The Average Traffic Sensitive Charge (ATS charge) is the sum of the following two components:
(i) The Local Switching (LS) component. The LS component will be calculated by dividing the proposed LS revenues (End Office Switch, LS trunk ports, Information Surcharge, and signalling transfer point (STP) port) by the base period LS minutes of use (MOUs); and
(ii) The Transport component. The Transport component will be calculated by dividing the proposed Transport revenues (Switched Direct Trunk Transport, Signalling for Switched Direct Trunk Transport, Entrance Facilities for Switched Access traffic, Tandem Switched Transport, Signalling for Tandem Switching and residual per minute Transport Interconnection Charge (TIC) pursuant to § 69.155 of this chapter) by price cap local exchange carrier only base period MOUs (including meet-point billing arrangements for jointly-provided interstate access by a price cap local exchange carrier and any other local exchange carrier).
(2) For the purposes of determining whether the ATS charge has reached the Target Rate as set forth in § 61.3(qq), the calculations should include all the relevant revenues and minutes for services provided under generally available price cap tariffs.