systematic and sustained effort,

A systematic and sustained effort, for the purposes of section 202(3)(E), means -
(i) A high level of job search activity throughout the given week, compatible with the number of employers and employment opportunities in the labor market reasonably applicable to the individual,
(ii) A plan of search for work involving independent efforts on the part of each individual which results in contacts with persons who have the authority to hire or which follows whatever hiring procedure is required by a prospective employer in addition to any search offered by organized public and private agencies such as the State employment service or union or private placement offices or hiring halls,
(iii) Actions by the individual comparable to those actions by which jobs are being found by people in the community and labor market, but not restricted to a single manner of search for work such as registering with and reporting to the State employment service and union or private placement offices or hiring halls, in the same manner that such work is found by people in the community,
(iv) A search not limited to classes of work or rates of pay to which the individual is accustomed or which represent the individual's higher skills, and which includes all types of work within the individual's physical and mental capabilities, except that the individual, while classified by the State agency as provided in § 615.8(d) as having “good” job prospects, shall search for work that is suitable work under State law provisions which apply to claimants for regular compensation (which is not sharable),
(v) A search by every claimant, without exception for individuals or classes of individuals other than those in approved training, as required under section 3304(a)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or section 236(e) of the Trade Act of 1974,
(vi) A search suspended only when severe weather conditions or other calamity forces suspension of such activities by most members of the community, except that
(vii) The individual, while classified by the State agency as provided in § 615.8(d) as having “good” job prospects, if such individual normally obtains customary work through a hiring hall, shall search for work that is suitable work under State law provisions which apply to claimants for regular compensation (which is not sharable).


20 CFR § 615.2

Scoping language

For the purposes of the EUCA and this part -

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