Speargun fishing gear
Speargun fishing gear means a muscle-powered speargun equipped with a trigger mechanism, a spear with a tip designed to penetrate and retain fish, and terminal gear. Terminal gear may include, but is not limited to, trailing lines, reels, and floats. The term muscle-powered speargun for the purposes of this part means a speargun that stores potential energy provided from the operator's muscles, and that releases only the amount of energy that the operator has provided to it from his or her own muscles. Common energy storing methods for muscle-powered spearguns include compressing air and springs, and the stretching of rubber bands.
50 CFR § 635.2
Scoping language
In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson-Stevens Act, ATCA, and 600.10 of this chapter, the terms used in this part have following meanings. If applicable, the terms used in this part supercede those used in 600.10: