Brake power assist units.

S5.1.3.2 Brake power assist units. The service brakes on a vehicle equipped with one or more brake power assist units, with one such unit inoperative, shall be capable of stopping a vehicle from 60 mph:
(a) In six consecutive stops at an average deceleration for each stop that is not lower than that specified in column I of table III, when the inoperative unit is not initially depleted of all reserve capability; and
(b) In a final stop, at an average deceleration that is not lower than 7 FPSPS for passenger cars (equivalent stopping distance 554 feet) or 6 FPSPS for vehicles other than passenger cars (equivalent stopping distance 646 feet), as applicable, when the inoperative unit is depleted of all reserve capacity.


49 CFR § 571.105

Scoping language

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