Historical irrigated percentage
Historical irrigated percentage means the percentage of the covered commodity on a farm that was irrigated (P&CP, including subsequently planted crop acreage) divided by the total acreage of the covered commodity (P&CP, including subsequently planted crop acreage) between the years 2013 through 2017, or, at FSA's discretion, such other similar 5 year-period (such as 2015 through 2019).
7 CFR § 1412.3
Scoping language
The definitions in this section are applicable for all purposes of administering this part. The terms defined in part 718 of this title and part 1400 of this chapter are also applicable, except where those definitions conflict with the definitions specified in this section. Where there is a conflict or a difference in definitions specified in this part and part 718 of this title or part 1400 of this chapter, the regulations in this part will apply.