Hazardous waste residence time
Hazardous waste residence time means the time elapsed from cutoff of the flow of hazardous waste into the combustor (including, for example, the time required for liquids to flow from the cutoff valve into the combustor) until solid, liquid, and gaseous materials from the hazardous waste (excluding residues that may adhere to combustion chamber surfaces and excluding waste-derived recycled materials such as cement kiln dust and internally recycled metals) exit the combustion chamber. For combustors with multiple firing systems whereby the residence time may vary for the firing systems, the hazardous waste residence time for purposes of complying with this subpart means the longest residence time for any firing system in use at the time of the waste cutoff.
40 CFR § 63.1201
Scoping language
The terms used in this subpart are defined in the Act, in subpart A of this part, or in this section as follows: