Subsequent disposition.
Subsequent disposition.
(A) Several years after the merger, FP disposes of all of its FS stock in a transaction governed by section 964(e). At the time of the disposition, FS stock has decreased in value to $210x (a post-merger reduction in value of $90x), and FS has incurred a post-merger deficit in earnings and profits of $30x.
(B) Pursuant to paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section, for purposes of determining the amount of gain realized on the sale or exchange of stock that has a divided portion, any amount realized on such sale or exchange is allocated to each divided portion of the stock based on the relative fair market value of the stock to which the portion is attributable at the time the portions were created. Immediately before the merger, the value of the FS stock in relation to the value of both the FS stock and the FT stock was one-third ($100x / ($100x plus $200x)). Likewise, immediately before the merger, the value of the FT stock in relation to the value of both the FT stock and the FS stock was two-thirds ($200x / $100x plus $200x). Accordingly, one-third of the $210x amount realized is allocated to the FS portion of each share and two-thirds to the FT portion of each share. Thus, the amount realized allocated to the FS portion of each share is $7x (one-third of $210x divided by 10 shares). The amount realized allocated to the FT portion of each share is $14x (two-thirds of $210x divided by 10 shares).
(C) Pursuant to paragraph (d)(3) of this section, any earnings and profits (or deficits) accumulated by the surviving corporation subsequent to the reorganization are attributed to the divided portions of shares of stock based on the relative fair market value of each divided portion of stock. Accordingly, one-third of the post-merger earnings and profits deficit of $30x is allocated to the FS portion of each share and two-thirds to the FT portion of each share. Thus, the deficit in earnings and profits allocated to the FS portion of each share is $1x (one-third of $30x divided by 10 shares). The deficit in earnings and profits allocated to the FT portion of each share is $2x (two-thirds of $30x divided by 10 shares).
(D) When FP disposes of its FS stock, FP is treated as disposing of each divided portion of a share of stock. With respect to the FS portion of each share of stock, FP recognizes a gain of $2x ($7x value − $5x basis), which is not recharacterized as a dividend because a deficit in earnings and profits of $1x is attributable to such portion for purposes of section 1248. With respect to the FT portion of each share of stock, FP recognizes a loss of $3x ($14x value − $17x basis).