
Biomass means -
(1) Any organic material grown for the purpose of being converted to energy;
(2) Any organic byproduct of agriculture that can be converted into energy; or
(3) Any material that can be converted into energy and is nonmerchantable for other purposes, that is segregated from other material that is nonmerchantable for other purposes, and that is;
(i) A forest-related organic resource, including mill residues, precommercial thinnings, slash, brush, or byproduct from conversion of trees to merchantable material; or
(ii) A wood material, including pallets, crates, dunnage, manufacturing and construction materials (other than pressure-treated, chemically-treated, or painted wood products), and landscape or right-of-way tree trimmings.


40 CFR § 97.702

Scoping language

The terms used in this subpart shall have the meanings set forth in this section as follows, provided that any term that includes the acronym CSAPR shall be considered synonymous with a term that is used in a SIP revision approved by the Administrator under 52.38 or 52.39 of this chapter and that is substantively identical except for the inclusion of the acronym TR in place of the acronym CSAPR:

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