Applicable ACH Rules
Applicable ACH Rules means the ACH Rules, except:
(1) Subsections 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5 and 1.2.6; Appendix Seven; Appendix Eight; and Appendix Nine (governing the enforcement of the ACH Rules and claims for compensation);
(2) Section 1.14 (governing the Participating DFI Contact registry);
(3) Section 2.10 and section 3.6 (governing the reclamation of benefit payments);
(4) The requirement in Appendix Three that the Effective Entry Date of a credit entry be no more than two Banking Days following the date of processing by the Originating ACH Operator (see definition of “Effective Entry Date” in Appendix Three);
(5) Section 2.2 (setting forth ODFI obligations to enter into agreements with, and perform risk management relating to, Originators and Third-Party Senders) and section 1.6 (Security Requirements);
(6) Section– (requiring reduction of high rates of entries returned as unauthorized);
(7) The requirements of Section 2.5.8 (International ACH Transactions) shall not apply to entries representing the payment of a Federal tax obligation by a taxpayer; and
(8) Until March 19, 2022, the requirement of section that the Originator utilize a fraudulent transaction detection system that validates an account to be debited for the first use of such account number and for any subsequent change(s) to the account number.
31 CFR § 210.2
Scoping language
For purposes of this part, the following definitions apply. Any term that is not defined in this part shall have the meaning set forth in the ACH Rules.