Evaluated educational plan.

Evaluated educational plan. An individualized official academic document provided by the educational institution that:
(1) Articulates all degree requirements for degree completion or in the case of a non-degree program, all educational requirements for completion of the program;
(2) Identifies all courses required for graduation in the individual's intended academic discipline and level of postsecondary study; and
(3) Includes an evaluation of all successfully completed prior coursework, and evaluated credit for military training and experience, and other credit sources applied to the institutional degree requirements. At a minimum, the evaluated educational plan will identify required courses and where appropriate, College Level Examination Program, DSST (formerly known as the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) Program, and potential American Council on Education recommended college credits for training and experiences. For participating SOC Degree Network System institutions, the SOC Degree Network System Student Agreement serves as this evaluated educational plan. For some educational institutions this may be termed a degree audit.


32 CFR § 68.3

Scoping language

The following terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this part:

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