Alternative means of emission limitation.

Alternative means of emission limitation. An owner or operator of an affected source may request a determination of alternative means of emission limitation to the requirements of design, equipment, work practice, or operational standards of this subpart or of a subpart referenced by this subpart. If, in the judgment of the Administrator, an alternative means of emission limitation will achieve a reduction in HAP emissions at least equivalent to the reduction in emissions from that source achieved under any design, equipment, work practice, or operational standards (but not performance standards) in this subpart, the Administrator will publish in the Federal Register a notice permitting the use of the alternative means for purposes of compliance with that requirement.
(1) The notice may condition the permission on requirements related to the operation and maintenance of the alternative means.
(2) Any such notice shall be published only after public notice and an opportunity for public comment.


40 CFR § 63.1113

Scoping language

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