Congestion management plan.

Congestion management plan. A MPO serving a TMA may develop a plan that includes projects and strategies that will be considered in the TIP of such MPO.
(1) Such plan shall:
(1) Such plan shall:
(i) Develop regional goals to reduce vehicle miles traveled during peak commuting hours and improve transportation connections between areas with high job concentration and areas with high concentrations of low-income households;
(ii) Identify existing public transportation services, employer based commuter programs, and other existing transportation services that support access to jobs in the region; and
(iii) Identify proposed projects and programs to reduce congestion and increase job access opportunities.
(2) In developing the congestion management plan, an MPO shall consult with employers, private and nonprofit providers of public transportation, transportation management organizations, and organizations that provide job access reverse commute projects or job-related services to low-income individuals.


23 CFR § 450.322

Scoping language

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