
(i) The edge of the sample to be tested shall be held in such a manner that it does not move during the test. If the full mandrel force of 1.35 pounds (6.00 Newtons) causes the edge to bend, a reduced mandrel force may be used.
(ii) Part of the test sample may need to be removed to allow the sharp edge testing device to test an edge that is accessible by the criteria of paragraph (c) of this section. Such dismantling of the test sample could affect the rigidity of the edge in question. The sharp edge test shall be performed with the edge supported so that its stiffness approximates but is not greater than the edge stiffness in the assembled sample.
(iii) Conduct of a sharp edge test is as follows: Wrap one layer of polytetrafluoroethylene (TFE) tape, described in paragraph (e)(3) of this section, around the full circumference of the mandrel in an unstretched state. The ends of the tape shall be either butted or overlapped not more than 0.10 inch (2.5 millimeters). Apply the mandrel, at the approximate center of the tape, to the edge of the test sample with a force of 1.35 pounds (6.00 Newtons) measured in a direction at right angles to the mandrel axis. The mandrel shall be placed so that its axis is at 90 degrees ±5 degrees to the line of a straight test edge or 90 degrees ±5 degrees to a tangent at the point of contact with a curved test edge. The point of contact between the test edge and the mandrel shall be in the approximate center of the width of the tape. The axis of the mandrel may be positioned anywhere in a plane which is at right angles to either the line of a straight test edge or to a tangent at the point of contact with a curved test edge. The operator should seek the orientation most likely to cause the edge to cut the tape. Maintain the force against the edge and rotate the mandrel through one complete revolution while preventing any linear motion of the mandrel along the edge. Release the mandrel from the edge and remove the tape without enlarging any cut or causing any score to become a cut. A cut in the tape with a length of not less than 1/2 inch (13 millimeters) identifies an edge as sharp. (The test instruments used by the Commission in its test for compliance with the regulation will be calibrated to insure that the force with which the mandrel is applied to a test edge does not exceed 1.35 pounds.)


16 CFR § 1500.49

Scoping language

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