Discontinuance, reduction, or impairment of service
Discontinuance, reduction, or impairment of service includes, but is not limited to the following:
(1) The closure by a carrier of a telephone exchange rendering interstate or foreign telephone toll service, a public toll station serving a community or part of a community, or a public coast station as defined in ยง 80.5 of this chapter;
(2) The reduction in hours of service by a carrier at a telephone exchange rendering interstate or foreign telephone toll service, at any public toll station (except at a toll station at which the availability of service to the public during any specific hours is subject to the control of the agent or other persons controlling the premises on which such office or toll station is located and is not subject to the control of such carrier), or at a public coast station; the term reduction in hours of service does not include a shift in hours which does not result in any reduction in the number of hours of service.
(3) The conversion of an interconnected VoIP service to a service that permits users to receive calls that originate on the public switched telephone network but not terminate calls to the public switched telephone network, or the converse.
(4) The dismantling or removal from service of any trunk line by a carrier which has the effect of impairing the adequacy or quality of service rendered to any community or part of a community;
(5) The severance by a carrier of physical connection with another carrier (including connecting carriers as defined in section 3(u) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended) or the termination or suspension of the interchange of traffic with such other carrier;
47 CFR § 63.60
Scoping language
For the purposes of this part, the following definitions shall apply: