Locked in repayment rate

Locked in repayment rate means an announced repayment rate on a disbursed MAL that the producer has locked in for 60 calendar days. All locked in repayment rates expire within 14 calendar days before the loan maturity date. MAL can be repaid either at principal plus interest or the repayment rate in effect on the date the repayment is made. The repayment rate can only be locked in one time for a designated quantity and, if multiple locked in repayment rates are in effect for quantities under MAL that have not had a locked in repayment rate, the oldest rate is always applied first.


7 CFR § 1421.3

Scoping language

The definitions in this section apply for all purposes of program administration. Terms defined in part 718 of this title and parts 1412 and 1425 of this chapter also apply, except where they conflict with the definitions in this section.

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