
(1) The chief driver licensing official of a State that wishes to be reinstated as a participating State in the NDR under the PDPS shall send a letter notifying NHTSA that the State wishes to be reinstated as a participating State and certifying that the State intends to be bound by the requirements of Section 30304 of Title 49, United States Code and ยง 1327.5. The letter shall also describe the changes necessary to meet the statutory and regulatory requirements of PDPS.
(2) NHTSA will acknowledge receipt of the State's notification within 20 days after receipt.
(3) The chief driver licensing official of a State that has notified NHTSA of its intention to be reinstated as a participating State will, at such time as it has completed all changes necessary to meet the statutory and regulatory requirements of PDPS, certify this fact to the agency.
(4) Upon receipt, review and approval of certification from the State, NHTSA will recertify the State as a participating State under PDPS.


23 CFR § 1327.4

Scoping language

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