Window retention.

S5.1 Window retention. Except as provided in S5.1.2, each piece of window glazing and each surrounding window frame when tested in accordance with the procedure in S5.1.1 under the conditions of S6.1 through S6.3, shall be retained by its surrounding structure in a manner that prevents the formation of any opening large enough to admit the passage of a 4-inch diameter sphere under a force, including the weight of the sphere, of 5 pounds until any one of the following events occurs:
(a) A force of 1,200 pounds is reached.
(b) At least 80 percent of the glazing thickness has developed cracks running from the load contact region to the periphery at two or more points, or shattering of the glazing occurs.
(c) The inner surface of the glazing at the center of force application has moved relative to the window frame, along a line perpendicular to the undisturbed inner surface, a distance equal to one-half of the square root of the minimum surface dimension measured through the center of the area of the entire sheet of window glazing.


49 CFR § 571.217

Scoping language

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