Identification of sources.

Identification of sources. The plan includes the following sulfuric acid plants:
(e) A variance issued to the E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company James River Sulfuric Acid Plant located in Chesterfield County, Virginia exempting the plant from section 4.51(c)(2) until December 15, 1981, submitted on October 21, 1980 by the Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(f) [Reserved]
(g) Section 4.51(c)(2) is replaced with Rule 4–21 (Emission Standards from Sulfuric Acid Production Units), section 120–04–2104 (Standard for Sulfuric Acid Mist), effective February 1, 1985. This revision was submitted on February 14, 1985 by the Commonwealth of Virginia.


40 CFR § 62.11601

Scoping language

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