Maximum payload capacity
Maximum payload capacity means:
(1) For an aircraft for which a maximum zero fuel weight is prescribed in FAA technical specifications, the maximum zero fuel weight, less empty weight, less all justifiable aircraft equipment, and less the operating load (consisting of minimum flightcrew, foods and beverages, and supplies and equipment related to foods and beverages, but not including disposable fuel or oil).
(2) For all other aircraft, the maximum certificated takeoff weight of an aircraft, less the empty weight, less all justifiable aircraft equipment, and less the operating load (consisting of minimum fuel load, oil, and flightcrew). The allowance for the weight of the crew, oil, and fuel is as follows:
(i) Crew—for each crewmember required by the Federal Aviation Regulations—
(A) For male flightcrew members—180 pounds.
(B) For female flightcrew members—140 pounds.
(C) For male flight attendants—180 pounds.
(D) For female flight attendants—130 pounds.
(E) For flight attendants not identified by gender—140 pounds.
(ii) Oil—350 pounds or the oil capacity as specified on the Type Certificate Data Sheet.
(iii) Fuel—the minimum weight of fuel required by the applicable Federal Aviation Regulations for a flight between domestic points 174 nautical miles apart under VFR weather conditions that does not involve extended overwater operations.
14 CFR § 110.2
Scoping language
For the purpose of this subchapter, the term