
Employer means a person, firm, corporation, or other association or organization which currently has a location within the United States to which U.S. workers may be referred for employment, and which proposes to employ a worker at a place within the United States and which has an employer relationship with respect to employees under this subpart as indicated by the fact that it hires, pays, fires, supervises, and otherwise controls the work of such employees. An association of employers is considered an employer if it has all of the indicia of an employer set forth in this definition. Such an association, however, is considered as a joint employer with the employer member if either shares in exercising one or more of the definitional indicia.


20 CFR § 651.10

Scoping language

In addition to the definitions set forth in sec. 3 of WIOA, the following definitions apply to the regulations in parts 652, 653, 654, and 658 of this chapter:

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