Process condenser

Process condenser means a condenser whose primary purpose is to recover material as an integral part of a unit operation. The condenser must cause a vapor-to-liquid phase change for periods during which the temperature of liquid in the process equipment is at or above its boiling or bubble point. Examples of process condensers include distillation condensers, reflux condensers, and condensers used in stripping or flashing operation. In a series of condensers, all condensers up to and including the first condenser with an exit gas temperature below the boiling or bubble point of the liquid in the process equipment are considered to be process condensers. All condensers in line prior to the vacuum source are included in this definition.


40 CFR § 63.1361

Scoping language

Terms used in this subpart are defined in the CAA, in subpart A of this part, or in this section. If the same term is defined in subpart A of this part and in this section, it shall have the meaning given in this section for the purposes of this subpart MMM.

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