Porous filling.

Porous filling.
(1) Cylinders must be filled with a porous material in accordance with the following:
(i) The porous material may not disintegrate or sag when wet with solvent or when subjected to normal service;
(ii) The porous filling material must be uniform in quality and free of voids, except that a well drilled into the filling material beneath the valve is authorized if the well is filled with a material of such type that the functions of the filling material are not impaired;
(iii) Overall shrinkage of the filling material is authorized if the total clearance between the cylinder shell and filling material, after solvent has been added, does not exceed 1/2 of 1 percent of the respective diameter or length, but not to exceed 1/8 inch, measured diametrically and longitudinally;
(iv) The clearance may not impair the functions of the filling material;
(v) The installed filling material must meet the requirements of CGA C-12 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter); and
(vi) Porosity of filling material may not exceed 80 percent except that filling material with a porosity of up to 92 percent may be used when tested with satisfactory results in accordance with CGA Pamphlet C-12.
(2) When the porosity of each cylinder is not known, a cylinder taken at random from a lot of 200 or less must be tested for porosity. If the test cylinder fails, each cylinder in the lot may be tested individually and those cylinders that pass the test are acceptable.
(3) For filling that is molded and dried before insertion in cylinders, porosity test may be made on a sample block taken at random from material to be used.
(4) The porosity of the filling material must be determined. The amount of solvent at 70 °F for a cylinder:
(i) Having shell volumetric capacity above 20 pounds water capacity (nominal) may not exceed the following:
(ii) Having volumetric capacity of 20 pounds or less water capacity (nominal), may not exceed the following:
(1) Cylinders must be filled with a porous material in accordance with the following:
(i) The porous material may not disintegrate or sag when wet with solvent or when subjected to normal service;
(ii) The porous filling material must be uniform in quality and free of voids, except that a well drilled into the filling material beneath the valve is authorized if the well is filled with a material of such type that the functions of the filling material are not impaired;
(iii) Overall shrinkage of the filling material is authorized if the total clearance between the cylinder shell and filling material, after solvent has been added, does not exceed 1/2 of 1 percent of the respective diameter or length, but not to exceed 1/8 inch, measured diametrically and longitudinally;
(iv) The clearance may not impair the functions of the filling material;
(v) The installed filling material must meet the requirements of CGA C-12 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter); and
(vi) Porosity of filling material may not exceed 80 percent except that filling material with a porosity of up to 92 percent may be used when tested with satisfactory results in accordance with CGA Pamphlet C-12.
(2) When the porosity of each cylinder is not known, a cylinder taken at random from a lot of 200 or less must be tested for porosity. If the test cylinder fails, each cylinder in the lot may be tested individually and those cylinders that pass the test are acceptable.
(3) For filling that is molded and dried before insertion in cylinders, porosity test may be made on a sample block taken at random from material to be used.
(4) The porosity of the filling material must be determined. The amount of solvent at 70 °F for a cylinder:
(i) Having shell volumetric capacity above 20 pounds water capacity (nominal) may not exceed the following:
(ii) Having volumetric capacity of 20 pounds or less water capacity (nominal), may not exceed the following:
(m) Tare weight. The tare weight is the combined weight of the cylinder proper, porous filling, valve, and solvent, without removable cap.
(n) Duties of inspector. In addition to the requirements of § 178.35, the inspector is required to -
(1) Certify chemical analyses of steel used, signed by manufacturer thereof; also verify by, check analyses of samples taken from each heat or from 1 out of each lot of 200 or less, plates, shells, or tubes used.
(2) Verify compliance of cylinder shells with all shell requirements; inspect inside before closing in both ends; verify heat treatment as proper; obtain all samples for all tests and for check analyses; witness all tests; verify threads by gauge; report volumetric capacity and minimum thickness of wall noted.
(3) Prepare report on manufacture of steel shells in form prescribed in § 178.35. Furnish one copy to manufacturer and three copies to the company that is to complete the cylinders.
(4) Determine porosity of filling and tare weights; verify compliance of marking with prescribed requirements; obtain necessary copies of steel shell reports; and furnish complete reports required by this specification to the person who has completed the manufacture of the cylinders and, upon request, to the purchaser. The test reports must be retained by the inspector for fifteen years from the original test date of the cylinder.
(o) Marking.
(1) Marking on each cylinder must be stamped plainly and permanently on or near the shoulder, top head, neck or valve protection collar which is permanently attached to the cylinder and forming integral part thereof.
(2) Tare weight of cylinder, in pounds and ounces, must be marked on the cylinder.
(3) Cylinders, not completed, when delivered must each be marked for identification of each lot of 200 or less.


49 CFR § 178.59

Scoping language

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