Flock identification number.
Flock identification (ID) number. A nationally unique number assigned by a State, federally recognized Tribal or Federal animal health authority to a group of animals that are managed as a unit on one or more premises and are under the same ownership. The flock ID number must begin with the State postal abbreviation or APHIS-assigned Tribal code, must have no more than nine alphanumeric characters, and must not contain the characters I, O, or Q other than as part of the State postal abbreviation or another standardized format authorized by the administrator and recorded in the National Scrapie Database. APHIS may assign Tribal codes to any federally recognized Tribe that maintains sheep or goats on Tribal lands. The flock ID number must be recorded in and linked to one or more PINs or LIDs in the National Scrapie Database.
9 CFR § 79.1
Scoping language
Accredited veterinarian. A veterinarian approved by the Administrator in accordance with part 161 of this chapter to perform functions specified in subchapters B, C, and D of this chapter.