WIA Title I-funded program or activity

WIA Title I-funded program or activity means:
(1) A program or activity, operated by a recipient and funded, in whole or in part, under Title I of WIA, that provides either:
(i) Any aid, benefits, services, or training to individuals; or
(ii) Facilities for furnishing any aid, benefits, services, or training to individuals;
(2) Aid, benefits, services, or training provided in facilities that are being or were constructed with the aid of Federal financial assistance under WIA Title I; or
(3) Aid, benefits, services, or training provided with the aid of any non-WIA Title I funds, property, or other resources that are required to be expended or made available in order for the program to meet matching requirements or other conditions which must be met in order to receive the WIA Title I financial assistance.


29 CFR § 37.4

Scoping language

As used in this part, the term:

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