Initial determination.

Initial determination. A formal written decision on a CHAMPUS claim, a request for benefit authorization, a request by a provider for approval as an authorized CHAMPUS provider, or a decision disqualifying or excluding a provider as an authorized provider under CHAMPUS. Rejection of a claim or a request for benefit or provider authorization for failure to comply with administrative requirements, including failure to submit reasonably requested information, is not an initial determination. Responses to general or specific inquiries regarding CHAMPUS benefits are not initial determinations.


32 CFR § 199.2

Scoping language

General. In an effort to be as specific as possible as to the word and intent of CHAMPUS, the following definitions have been developed. While many of the definitions are general and some assign meaning to relatively common terms within the health insurance environment, others are applicable only to CHAMPUS; however, they all appear in this part solely for the purpose of the Program. Except when otherwise specified, the definitions in this section apply generally throughout this part.

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