covered Executive order

(1) Covered executive order The term “covered Executive order” means any of the following: (A) Executive Order No. 13660 ( 79 Fed. Reg. 13493 ; relating to blocking property of certain persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine). (B) Executive Order No. 13661 ( 79 Fed. Reg. 15535 ; relating to blocking property of additional persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine). (C) Executive Order No. 13662 ( 79 Fed. Reg. 16169 ; relating to blocking property of additional persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine). (D) Executive Order No. 13685 ( 79 Fed. Reg. 77357 ; relating to blocking property of certain persons and prohibiting certain transactions with respect to the Crimea region of Ukraine). (E) Executive Order No. 13694 ( 80 Fed. Reg. 18077 ; relating to blocking the property of certain persons engaging in significant malicious cyber-enabled activities), relating to the Russian Federation. (F) Executive Order No. 13757 ( 82 Fed. Reg. 1 ; relating to taking additional steps to address the national emergency with respect to significant malicious cyber-enabled activities), relating to the Russian Federation.


22 USC § 8909(f)(1)

Scoping language

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