Facilities Needs Assessment Workgroup

(2) Report; contents (A) Initial comprehensive report (i) Definitions In this subparagraph: (I) Facilities Appropriation Advisory Board The term “Facilities Appropriation Advisory Board” means the advisory board, comprised of 12 members representing Indian tribes and 2 members representing the Service, established at the discretion of the Director— (aa) to provide advice and recommendations for policies and procedures of the programs funded pursuant to facilities appropriations; and (bb) to address other facilities issues. (II) Facilities Needs Assessment Workgroup The term “Facilities Needs Assessment Workgroup” means the workgroup established at the discretion of the Director— (aa) to review the health care facilities construction priority system; and (bb) to make recommendations to the Facilities Appropriation Advisory Board for revising the priority system. (ii) Initial report (I) In general Not later than 1 year after March 23, 2010 , the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Indian Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives a report that describes the comprehensive, national, ranked list of all health care facilities needs for the Service, Indian tribes, and tribal organizations (including inpatient health care facilities, outpatient health care facilities, specialized health care facilities (such as for long-term care and alcohol and drug abuse treatment), wellness centers, and staff quarters, and the renovation and expansion needs, if any, of such facilities) developed by the Service, Indian tribes, and tribal organizations for the Facilities Needs Assessment Workgroup and the Facilities Appropriation Advisory Board. (II) Inclusions The initial report shall include— (aa) the methodology and criteria used by the Service in determining the needs and establishing the ranking of the facilities needs; and (bb) such other information as the Secretary determines to be appropriate. (iii) Updates of report Beginning in calendar year 2011, the Secretary shall— (I) update the report under clause (ii) not less frequently that once every 5 years; and (II) include the updated report in the appropriate annual report under subparagraph (B) for submission to Congress under section 1671 of this title . (B) Annual reports The Secretary shall submit to the President, for inclusion in the report required to be transmitted to Congress under section 1671 of this title , a report which sets forth the following: (i) A description of the health care facility priority system of the Service established under paragraph (1). (ii) Health care facilities lists, which may include— (I) the 10 top-priority inpatient health care facilities; (II) the 10 top-priority outpatient health care facilities; (III) the 10 top-priority specialized health care facilities (such as long-term care and alcohol and drug abuse treatment); and (IV) the 10 top-priority staff quarters developments associated with health care facilities. (iii) The justification for such order of priority. (iv) The projected cost of such projects. (v) The methodology adopted by the Service in establishing priorities under its health care facility priority system.


25 USC § 1631(c)(2)

Scoping language

In this subparagraph
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