advanced biofuel

(B) Inclusions Subject to subparagraph (A), the term “advanced biofuel” includes— (i) biofuel derived from cellulose, hemicellulose, or lignin; (ii) biofuel derived from sugar and starch (other than ethanol derived from corn kernel starch); (iii) biofuel derived from waste material, including crop residue, other vegetative waste material, animal waste, food waste, and yard waste; (iv) diesel-equivalent fuel derived from renewable biomass, including vegetable oil and animal fat; (v) biogas (including landfill gas and sewage waste treatment gas) produced through the conversion of organic matter from renewable biomass; (vi) butanol or other alcohols produced through the conversion of organic matter from renewable biomass; and (vii) other fuel derived from cellulosic biomass.


7 USC § 8101(3)(B)

Scoping language

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