qualifying Persian Gulf symptom or illness

(2) The term “qualifying Persian Gulf symptom or illness” means, with respect to a member described in subsection (b), a symptom or illness— (A) that the member registered before September 1, 1997 , in the Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program of the Department of Defense and that is presumed under section 721(d) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 ( 10 U.S.C. 1074 note) to be a result of service in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Persian Gulf Conflict; or (B) that the member registered before September 1, 1997 , in the Persian Gulf War Veterans Health Registry maintained by the Department of Veterans Affairs pursuant to section 702 of the Persian Gulf War Veterans’ Health Status Act ( 38 U.S.C. 527 note).


10 USC § 1074e(c)(2)

Scoping language

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