pretrial diversion or similar program
(6) Definitions In this subsection: (A) Consent application The term “consent application” means an application filed with Board 2 by an individual (or by an insured credit union on behalf of an individual) seeking the written consent of the Board under paragraph (1)(A). (B) Criminal offense involving dishonesty The term “criminal offense involving dishonesty”— (i) means an offense under which an individual, directly or indirectly— (I) cheats or defrauds; or (II) wrongfully takes property belonging to another in violation of a criminal statute; (ii) includes an offense that Federal, State, or local law defines as dishonest, or for which dishonesty is an element of the offense; and (iii) does not include— (I) a misdemeanor criminal offense committed more than one year before the date on which an individual files a consent application, excluding any period of incarceration; or (II) an offense involving the possession of controlled substances. (C) Pretrial diversion or similar program The term “pretrial diversion or similar program” means a program characterized by a suspension or eventual dismissal or reversal of charges or criminal prosecution upon agreement by the accused to restitution, drug or alcohol rehabilitation, anger management, or community service.