shortage of standard rental units both affordable and available to very low-income renter households

(4) Shortage of standard rental units both affordable and available to very low-income renter households (A) In general The term “shortage of standard rental units both affordable and available to very low-income renter households” means for any State or other geographical area the gap between— (i) the number of units with complete plumbing and kitchen facilities with a rent that is 30 percent or less of 50 percent of the adjusted area median income as determined by the Secretary that are occupied by very low-income renter households or are vacant for rent; and (ii) the number of very low-income renter households. (B) Rule of construction If the number of units described in subparagraph (A)(i) exceeds the number of very low-income households as described in subparagraph (A)(ii), there is no shortage.


12 USC § 4568(f)(4)

Scoping language

For purposes of this section
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