well capitalized
(1) Capital terms.— (A) Insured depository institutions .— With respect to insured depository institutions, the terms “well capitalized”, “adequately capitalized”, and “undercapitalized” have the same meanings as in section 38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act [ 12 U.S.C. 1831 o]. (B) Bank holding company.— (i) Adequately capitalized .— With respect to a bank holding company, the term “adequately capitalized” means a level of capitalization which meets or exceeds all applicable Federal regulatory capital standards. (ii) Well capitalized .— A bank holding company is “well capitalized” if it meets the required capital levels for well capitalized bank holding companies established by the Board. (C) Other capital terms .— The terms “Tier 1” and “risk-weighted assets” have the meanings given those terms in the capital guidelines or regulations established by the Board for bank holding companies.