realizable disposition value

(ii)The term “realizable disposition value” means the estimated sale price that the Corporation reasonably would be able to obtain upon the sale of a property by the Corporation under the provisions of this chapter, not including this section, and any other applicable laws. Not later than the expiration of the 120-day period beginning upon the commencement of the first fiscal year for which amounts are provided pursuant to paragraph (2)(A), the Corporation shall establish, and publish in the Federal Register, procedures for determining the realizable disposition value of a property transferred under this section, which shall take into consideration such factors as the Corporation considers appropriate, including the actual sale prices of properties disposed of by the Resolution Trust Corporation under of this title, the prices of other properties sold under similar programs, and the appraised value of the property transferred under this section. Until such procedures are established, the Corporation may consider the realizable disposition value of any eligible residential or condominium property to be equal to the appraised value of the property.


12 USC § 1831q(b)(2)(D)(ii)

Scoping language

under the provisions of this chapter
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