fair market price
(3) (A) Any Program Participant selected by the Administration to perform a contract to be let noncompetitively pursuant to this subsection shall, when practicable, participate in any negotiation of the terms and conditions of such contract. (B) (i) For purposes of paragraph (1) a “fair market price” shall be determined by the agency offering the procurement requirement to the Administration, in accordance with clauses (ii) and (iii). (ii) The estimate of a current fair market price for a new procurement requirement, or a requirement that does not have a satisfactory procurement history, shall be derived from a price or cost analysis. Such analysis may take into account prevailing market conditions, commercial prices for similar products or services, or data obtained from any other agency. Such analysis shall consider such cost or pricing data as may be timely submitted by the Administration. (iii) The estimate of a current fair market price for a procurement requirement that has a satisfactory procurement history shall be based on recent award prices adjusted to insure comparability. Such adjustments shall take into account differences in quantities, performance times, plans, specifications, transportation costs, packaging and packing costs, labor and materials costs, overhead costs, and any other additional costs which may be deemed appropriate. (C) An agency offering a procurement requirement for potential award pursuant to this subsection shall, upon the request of the Administration, promptly submit to the Administration a written statement detailing the method used by the agency to estimate the current fair market price for such contract, identifying the information, studies, analyses, and other data used by such agency. The agency’s estimate of the current fair market price (and any supporting data furnished to the Administration) shall not be disclosed to any potential offeror (other than the Administration). (D) A small business concern selected by the Administration to perform or negotiate a contract to be let pursuant to this subsection may request the Administration to protest the agency’s estimate of the fair market price for such contract pursuant to paragraph (1)(A).
15 USC § 637(a)(3)
Scoping language
None identified, default scope is assumed to be the parent (chapter 14A) of this section.