ultra low-emitting formaldehyde resin

(B)The term “ultra low-emitting formaldehyde resin” may include— (i)melamine-urea-formaldehyde resin; (ii)phenol formaldehyde resin; and (iii)resorcinol formaldehyde resin. (C) (i)The Administrator may, pursuant to regulations issued under subsection (d), reduce the testing requirements for a manufacturer only if its product made with ultra low-emitting formaldehyde resin meets the following emission standards: (I)For hardwood plywood, no higher than 0.05 parts per million of formaldehyde. (II)For medium-density fiberboard— (III)For particleboard— (IV)For thin medium-density fiberboard— (ii)The Administrator may not, pursuant to regulations issued under subsection (d), exempt a manufacturer from third party certification requirements unless its product made with ultra low-emitting formaldehyde resin meets the following emission standards: (I)No higher than 0.04 parts per million of formaldehyde for 90 percent of 6 months of routine quality control testing data required under subparagraph (A)(ii). (II)No test result higher than 0.05 parts per million of formaldehyde for hardwood plywood and 0.06 parts per million for particleboard, medium-density fiberboard, and thin medium-density fiberboard. (b)


15 USC § 2697(a)(10)(B)

Scoping language

In this section
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