management expenses

(7) For purposes of computing profit participation under paragraph (11), except as otherwise determined by the Administration, the management expenses of any company which issues participating securities shall not be greater than 2.5 per centum per annum of the combined capital of the company, plus $125,000 if the company’s combined capital is less than $20,000,000. For purposes of this paragraph, (A) the term “combined capital” means the aggregate amount of private capital and outstanding leverage and (B) the term “management expenses” includes salaries, office expenses, travel, business development, office and equipment rental, bookkeeping and the development, investigation and monitoring of investments, but does not include the cost of services provided by specialized outside consultants, outside lawyers and outside auditors, who perform services not generally expected of a venture capital company nor does such term include the cost of services provided by any affiliate of the company which are not part of the normal process of making and monitoring venture capital investments.


15 USC § 683(g)(7)

Scoping language

For purposes of this paragraph
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