Fire Island National Seashore

(f)The term “improved property” as used inshall mean any building, the construction of which was begun before, and such amount of land, not in excess of two acres in the case of a residence or ten acres in the case of a commercial or industrial use, on which the building is situated as the Secretary considers reasonably necessary to the use of the building: Provided, That the Secretary may exclude from improved properties any beach or waters, together with so much of the land adjoining such beach or waters as he deems necessary for public access thereto. (g)The authority of the Secretary to condemn undeveloped tracts within the Dune District as depicted on map entitled “Fire Island National Seashore” numbered OGP–0004 dated May, 1978, is suspended so long as the owner or owners of the undeveloped property therein maintain the property in its natural state. Undeveloped property within the Dune District that is acquired by the Secretary shall remain in its natural state. (h)


16 USC § 459e-1(f)

Scoping language

None: Default is title Scope
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