County land

(1) Definitions In this subsection: (A) Administrator The term “Administrator” means the Administrator of General Services. (B) County The term “County” means Miami-Dade County, Florida. (C) County land The term “County land” means the 2 parcels of land owned by the County totaling approximately 152.93 acres that are designated as “Tract 605–01” and “Tract 605–03”. (D) District The term “District” means the South Florida Water Management District. (E) District land The term “District land” means the approximately 1,054 acres of District land located in the Southern Glades Wildlife and Environmental Area and identified on the map as “South Florida Water Management District Exchange Lands”. (F) General Services Administration land The term “General Services Administration land” means the approximately 595.28 acres of land designated as “Site Alpha” that is declared by the Department of the Navy to be excess land. (G) Map The term “map” means the map entitled “Boundary Modification for C–111 Project, Everglades National Park”, numbered 160/80,007A, and dated May 18, 2004 . (H) National Park Service land The term “National Park Service land” means the approximately 1,054 acres of land located in the Rocky Glades area of the park and identified on the map as “NPS Exchange Lands”.


16 USC § 410r-6(h)(1)

Scoping language

In this subsection
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