immediate family

(2) If an owner of lands or interests therein within the park intends to transfer any such lands or interest to persons other than the owner’s immediate family, the owner shall notify the Secretary in writing of such intention. Within forty-five days after receipt of such notice, the Secretary shall respond in writing as to his interest in exercising a right of first refusal to purchase fee title or lesser interests. If, within such forty-five days, the Secretary declines to respond in writing or expresses no interest in exercising such right, the owner may proceed to transfer such interests. If the Secretary responds in writing within such forty-five days and expresses an interest and intention to exercise a right of first refusal, the Secretary shall initiate an action to exercise such right within ninety days after the date of the Secretary’s response. If the Secretary fails to initiate action to exercise such right within such ninety days, the owner may proceed to otherwise transfer such interests. As used in this subsection with respect to a property owner, the term “immediate family” means the spouse, brother, sister, parent, or child of such property owner. Such term includes a person bearing such relationships through adoption and a stepchild shall be treated as a natural born child for purposes of determining such relationship.


16 USC § 159g(b)(2)

Scoping language

As used in this subsection
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