adverse marking decision

(2) Petition rights of NAFTA exporters and producers regarding marking determinations (A) Definitions For purposes of this paragraph: (i) The term “adverse marking decision” means a determination by the Customs Service which an exporter or producer of merchandise believes to be contrary to Annex 311 of the North American Free Trade Agreement. (ii) A person may not be treated as the exporter or producer of merchandise regarding which an adverse marking decision was made unless such person— (I) if claiming to be the exporter, is located in a NAFTA country and is required to maintain records in that country regarding exportations to NAFTA countries; or (II) if claiming to be the producer, grows, mines, harvests, fishes, traps, hunts, manufactures, processes, or assembles such merchandise in a NAFTA country. (B) Intervention or petition regarding adverse marking decisions If the Customs Service makes an adverse marking decision regarding any merchandise, the Customs Service shall, upon written request by the exporter or producer of the merchandise, provide to the exporter or producer a statement of the basis for the decision. If the exporter or producer believes that the decision is not correct, it may intervene in any protest proceeding initiated by the importer of the merchandise. If the importer does not file a protest with regard to the decision, the exporter or producer may file a petition with the Customs Service setting forth— (i) a description of the merchandise; and (ii) the basis for its claim that the merchandise should be marked as a good of a NAFTA country. (C) Effect of determination regarding decision If, after receipt and consideration of a petition filed by an exporter or producer under subparagraph (B), the Customs Service determines that the adverse marking decision— (i) is not correct, the Customs Service shall notify the petitioner of the determination and all merchandise entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, more than 30 days after the date that notice of the determination under this clause is published in the weekly Custom Bulletin shall be marked in conformity with the determination; or (ii) is correct, the Customs Service shall notify the petitioner that the petition is denied. (D) Judicial review For purposes of judicial review, the denial of a petition under subparagraph (C)(ii) shall be treated as if it were a denial of a petition of an interested party under section 1516 of this title regarding an issue arising under any of the preceding provisions of this section.


19 USC § 1304(k)(2)

Scoping language

For purposes of this paragraph
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