adjusted actual production history yield

(3) Adjusted actual production history yield The term “adjusted actual production history yield” means— (A) in the case of an eligible producer on a farm that has at least 4 years of actual production history yields for an insurable commodity that are established other than pursuant to section 508(g)(4)(B) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act ( 7 U.S.C. 1508(g)(4)(B) ), the actual production history for the eligible producer without regard to any yields established under that section; (B) in the case of an eligible producer on a farm that has less than 4 years of actual production history yields for an insurable commodity, of which 1 or more were established pursuant to section 508(g)(4)(B) of that Act [ 7 U.S.C. 1508(g)(4)(B) ], the actual production history for the eligible producer as calculated without including the lowest of the yields established pursuant to section 508(g)(4)(B) of that Act; and (C) in all other cases, the actual production history of the eligible producer on a farm.


19 USC § 2497(a)(3)

Scoping language

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