(1) For purposes of this chapter— (A) The term “beneficiary country” means any country listed in subsection (b) with respect to which there is in effect a proclamation by the President designating such country as a beneficiary country for purposes of this chapter. Before the President designates any country as a beneficiary country for purposes of this chapter, he shall notify the House of Representatives and the Senate of his intention to make such designation, together with the considerations entering into such decision. (B) The term “entered” means entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, in the customs territory of the United States. (C) The term “HTS” means Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. (D) The term “USMCA” has the meaning given that term in section 4502 of this title . (E) The terms “WTO” and “WTO member” have the meanings given those terms in section 3501 of this title . (F) The term “former beneficiary country” means a country that ceases to be designated as a beneficiary country under this chapter because the country has become a party to a free trade agreement with the United States.