official expenses
For purposes of subsections (a) and (e), an individual who is selected by a Senator to serve on a panel or other body to make recommendations for nominees to one or more Federal judgeships or to one or more service academies or one or more positions of United States Attorney or United States Marshal shall be considered to be an employee in the office of that Senator with respect to travel and official expenses incurred in performing duties as a member of such panel or other body, and shall be reimbursed (A) for actual transportation expenses and per diem expenses (but not exceeding actual travel expenses) incurred while traveling in performing such duties within the Senator’s home State or between that State and Washington, District of Columbia, and each of the service academies, (B) for official expenses incurred in performing such duties. For purposes of this subsection and subsection (a), “official expenses” means expenses of the type for which reimbursement may be made to an employee in the office of a Senator when traveling on business of a committee of which that Senator is a member, and, for accounting purposes, such expenses shall be treated as expenses for which reimbursement may be made under subsection (a)(4).