comprehensive literacy instruction
(1) Comprehensive literacy instruction The term “comprehensive literacy instruction” means instruction that— (A) includes developmentally appropriate, contextually explicit, and systematic instruction, and frequent practice, in reading and writing across content areas; (B) includes age-appropriate, explicit, systematic, and intentional instruction in phonological awareness, phonic decoding, vocabulary, language structure, reading fluency, and reading comprehension; (C) includes age-appropriate, explicit instruction in writing, including opportunities for children to write with clear purposes, with critical reasoning appropriate to the topic and purpose, and with specific instruction and feedback from instructional staff; (D) makes available and uses diverse, high-quality print materials that reflect the reading and development levels, and interests, of children; (E) uses differentiated instructional approaches, including individual and small group instruction and discussion; (F) provides opportunities for children to use language with peers and adults in order to develop language skills, including developing vocabulary; (G) includes frequent practice of reading and writing strategies; (H) uses age-appropriate, valid, and reliable screening assessments, diagnostic assessments, formative assessment processes, and summative assessments to identify a child’s learning needs, to inform instruction, and to monitor the child’s progress and the effects of instruction; (I) uses strategies to enhance children’s motivation to read and write and children’s engagement in self-directed learning; (J) incorporates the principles of universal design for learning; (K) depends on teachers’ collaboration in planning, instruction, and assessing a child’s progress and on continuous professional learning; and (L) links literacy instruction to the challenging State academic standards, including the ability to navigate, understand, and write about, complex print and digital subject matter.