There is hereby established a student loan insurance fund (hereinafter in this section called the “fund”) which shall be available without fiscal year limitation to the Secretary for making payments in connection with the default of loans insured by the Secretary under this part, or in connection with payments under a guaranty agreement under section 1078(c) of this title . All amounts received by the Secretary as premium charges for insurance and as receipts, earnings, or proceeds derived from any claim or other assets acquired by the Secretary in connection with operations under this part, any excess advances under section 1072 of this title , and any other moneys, property, or assets derived by the Secretary from operations in connection with this section, shall be deposited in the fund. All payments in connection with the default of loans insured by the Secretary under this part, or in connection with such guaranty agreements shall be paid from the fund. Moneys in the fund not needed for current operations under this section may be invested in bonds or other obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States.