small local educational agency

(2) Calculation of grants (A) Allocations to local educational agencies The Secretary shall calculate grants under this section on the basis of the number of children counted under subsection (c) for local educational agencies, unless the Secretary and the Secretary of Commerce determine that some or all of those data are unreliable or that their use would be otherwise inappropriate, in which case— (i) the two Secretaries shall publicly disclose the reasons for their determination in detail; and (ii) paragraph (3) shall apply. (B) Allocations to large and small local educational agencies (i) For any fiscal year to which this paragraph applies, the Secretary shall calculate grants under this section for each local educational agency. (ii) The amount of a grant under this section for each large local educational agency shall be the amount determined under clause (i). (iii) For small local educational agencies, the State educational agency may either— (I) distribute grants under this section in amounts determined by the Secretary under clause (i); or (II) use an alternative method approved by the Secretary to distribute the portion of the State’s total grants under this section that is based on those small agencies. (iv) An alternative method under clause (iii)(II) shall be based on population data that the State educational agency determines best reflect the current distribution of children in poor families among the State’s small local educational agencies that meet the eligibility criteria of subsection (b). (v) If a small local educational agency is dissatisfied with the determination of its grant by the State educational agency under clause (iii)(II), it may appeal that determination to the Secretary, who shall respond not later than 45 days after receipt of such appeal. (vi) As used in this subparagraph— (I) the term “large local educational agency” means a local educational agency serving an area with a total population of 20,000 or more; and (II) the term “small local educational agency” means a local educational agency serving an area with a total population of less than 20,000.


20 USC § 6333(a)(2)

Scoping language

As used in this subparagraph
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