covered individual

(1) Definitions In this subsection: (A) Covered dependent The term “covered dependent” has the meaning given such term in subsection (e), except that the assigned duty station need not be in the Republic of Cuba, the People’s Republic of China, or another foreign country. (B) Covered employee The term “covered employee” has the meaning given such term in subsection (e), except that the assigned duty station need not be in the Republic of Cuba, the People’s Republic of China, or another foreign country. (C) Covered individual The term “covered individual” has the meaning given such term in subsection (e), except that the assigned duty station need not be in the Republic of Cuba, the People’s Republic of China, or another foreign country. (D) Qualifying injury The term “qualifying injury” has the meaning given such term in subsection (e), except that the assigned duty station need not be in the Republic of Cuba, the People’s Republic of China, or another foreign country.


22 USC § 2680b(i)(1)

Scoping language

In this subsection
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